Functional descri

  1. How does the pump learn?
    A DHW tap is turned on. The flow line heats up. The pump identifies this from the external temperature sensor and learns the time at which DHW is drawn.

  1. When does the pump start running?
    During the learning phase (for 2 weeks after commissioning) the pump starts relatively frequently and independently of when DHW is drawn off. This ensures convenience in the first weeks after installation. After the learning phase, the pump starts up in the following circumstances:
    – predictively (at the typical learnt times),
    – immediately when DHW is drawn off (at times that have not yet been learnt), unless the flow line is already heated,
    – for a flushing or disinfection run (see below). The pump determines the need to run for each individual day (Monday to Sunday), on the basis of DHW usage in the past 2 weeks.

  1. How long does the pump run?
    The pump runs for as long as necessary to supply the DHW circuit with hot water (determined via the thermostat in the pump). The runtime depends on the size of the circulation system.

  1. For how long each day does the pump run?
    The daily runtime depends on the size of the circulation system, the comfort setting and on users’ DHW draw-off patterns. Generally, the pump runs for between 1 and 5 hours a day.

  1. How does the disinfection program detection work?
    The highest flow temperature measured over the course of a week is interpreted as the disinfection run temperature. At this time the pump then runs for 30 minutes (once a week). If a higher flow temperature is detected at a different point in the week, the pump controller shifts the disinfection run to this time.

  1. How is a period of absence detected (holiday detection)?
    If no DHW is drawn for 24 hours, the pump switches to absence. Predictive pump runs will then no longer take place. A 30-minute disinfection run, however, will continue to take place (once a week). Other than this, the pump operates a flushing run once a day (duration: 15 minutes).

  1. How is a return from a period of absence detected?
    If DHW is drawn off twice in the space of an hour, the previously learnt pattern is then restored.